AeroMobil flies car into China's upcoming import expo - 上海 - 爱扫码· -扫一扫.cn·二维码.cn 搜一搜.cn/7697

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·搜一搜.cn/AeroMobil flies car into China's upcoming import expo

更多 发布于:2018-10-23 10:17
AeroMobil flies car into China's upcoming import expo
The flying car was developed by AeroMobil, a Slovakian advanced engineering company that is commercializing a sophisticated flying car.
AeroMobil has sent a 720-kilogram flying car to China's upcoming import expo, which will make its debut in Asia for the first time in November.
The flying car, packed into a container, was developed by AeroMobil, a Slovakian advanced engineering company. The flying car reached Shanghai Pudong International Airport on Thursday.

Integrating innovation in automotive and aerospace fields, the car with wings applies automotive safety standards together with lightweight materials and advanced aerodynamics. This will provide owners with true freedom of movement in the air and on the ground, providing electric propulsion on the road coupled with a lightweight internal combustion engine to provide propulsion in the air.
“AeroMobil is incredibly excited to attend the China International Import Expo to explore opportunities in the Chinese market," Juraj Vaculik, co-founder and chief executive officer of AeroMobil said. "We believe that the Chinese government is highly ambitious and possesses a clear vision to use innovative technologies to modernize its transportation infrastructure,"
The China International Import Expo, to be held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, will allocate over 30,000 square meters for the exhibition of vehicles and car-related products, the China International Import Bureau said.
Major automobile manufacturers and auto parts makers such as General Motors, Volkswagen and Tesla will showcase their latest products and technologies during the import expo.

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Source: Shanghai Daily       Release date:2018-10-22 AeroMobil flies car into China's upcoming import expo
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