泰国亚太压铸展|METAL AP 亚太金属展|
亚洲及泛太平洋地区金属工业展览会 基本信息 展会名称 Metal AP 2018 亚洲及泛太平洋地区金属工业展览会 展会日期 2018年9月19至21日 开放时间 2018年9月19日 (星期三) 上午10:30 – 下午18:30 2018年9月20日 (星期四) 上午10:30 – 下午18:30 2018年9月21日 (星期五) 上午10:30 – 下午15:00 展会地点 泰国曼谷国际贸易和展览中心(BITEC)EH102馆 展会面积 预计6,000 平方米 参展商数 预计 120家 观众人数 预计 4,000名 METAL AP Settles Down in SE Asia to Facilitate World Connection and Development "Asia-Pacific Metal Industry Exhibition – METAL AP" officially settles down in Bangkok, Thailand this year. Initiated by Chinese foundry industry with a joint action of industries related to metallurgy, foundry, etc. and partners in the entire Asia-Pacific area, METALAP commits itself to promote the development of metal process and manufacturing industry in the entire Asia-Pacific area. 由中国铸造界发起,联动整个亚洲及泛太平洋地区冶金、铸造等相关产业及合作伙伴的“亚洲及泛太平洋地区金属工业展览会-METAL AP”自今年起正式落户泰国曼谷,致力于推动整个亚太地区金属加工与制造业的发展。 METAL AP Opening Ceremony Marks a New Journey METAL AP Settles Down in SE Asia to Facilitate World Connection and Development
"Asia-Pacific Metal Industry Exhibition – METAL AP" officially settles down in Bangkok, Thailand this year. Initiated by Chinese foundry industry with a joint action of industries related to metallurgy, foundry, etc. and partners in the entire Asia-Pacific area, METALAP commits itself to promote the development of metal process and manufacturing industry in the entire Asia-Pacific area. METAL AP 2018 Opening Ceremony The grand opening ceremony of "Asia-Pacific Metal Industry Exhibition –METAL AP 2018", organized by China Foundry Productivity Promotion Center, Metallurgical Council of CCPIT and Industrial Furnace Institution of CMES, and managed by Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) and Shenyang Zhongzhu Productivity Promotion Center, was held in Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center, Thailand, on September 19, 2018 (Thai local time). Secretary-General of Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society Mr. Su Shifang delivers speech. President of Thai Foundry Association Dr. Paisan Somprakit delivers speech. Secretary-General of Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society Mr. Su Shifang and President of Thai Foundry Association Dr. Paisan Somprakit delivered welcome speeches at the ceremony in the morning of Sep. 19. Leaders and guests cut ribbon at opening ceremony. President of Industrial Furnace Institution of CMES Mr. Yi Guang, Exhibition Director of Metallurgical Council of CCPIT Mr. Zhong Wen, Exhibition Director of Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau Ms. Kanokporn Damrongkul, President of Keikinzoku Tsushin Al Co., Ltd. Mr. Takakazu Uejima, Secretary-General of Taiwan Foundry Society Mr. Shi Jingxiang, International Product Manager Die Casting of NürnbergMesse GmbH Mr. Christopher Boss, Director of International Cooperation of Vietnam Foundry Association Dr. Mike Luu, Secretary General of Ningbo Die & Mould Industry Association Mr. Zhang Xiaoyan, Honorary Chairman of China General Chamber of Commerce Mr. Liao Xilin, Vice Chairman of Siam Metals Association Mr. Weerayudh Leelaprachakul, President of The Thai-Chinese Exim Association Mr. Kittipong Taeratanachai and President of Shanghai Chamber of Commerce in Thailand Mr. Mao Tingan, together with global industry delegatesand professional media, witnessed such a monumental moment. Trade visitors register for exhibition visit. Visitors and buyers enter into hall. Onsite METAL AP 2018 has attracted exhibitors from 11 countries and areas including China, Thailand, Japan, India, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Singapore, Switzerland, Hong Kong China, Taiwan China, etc. As the first professional exhibition platform of Chinese metallurgy and foundry industries settling down overseas, METAL AP 2018 is a significant milestone for Chinese enterprises to explore international markets. The exhibition is open to public from Sep. 19 to Sep. 21, 2018. Warmly welcome industry delegates to visit! Business Negotiation See You in 2019 "Asia-Pacific Metal Industry Exhibition – METAL AP 2019" will be held in Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center (BITEC) on Dec. 12-14, 2019. Tags: Thai die casting , Thai foundry , Die casting show , Foundry show , Asia-Pacific die casting show 参展申请 招展书 展会指南 展示范围 四大主题,贯穿金属工业 2018亚太地区压铸工业展览会 主办单位: 铸造行业生产力促进中心 承办单位: 中国机械工程学会铸造分会 沈阳中铸生产力促进中心 协办单位: 株式会社 轻金属通信AL社 展品范围: 压铸件;压铸机;压铸周边及自动化;压铸模具;原辅材料;后处理及表面处理;检测、环保设备;软件等与压铸相关产品。 2018亚太地区铸造工业展览会 主办单位: 铸造行业生产力促进中心 承办单位: 中国机械工程学会铸造分会 沈阳中铸生产力促进中心 展品范围: 金属铸件;铸造及自动化设备;铸造材料;铸造模具;铸造辅材;检测设备;软件等与铸造相关产品。 2018亚太地区工业炉及金属热处理展览会 主办单位: 中国机械工程学会工业炉分会 展品范围: 各种工业炉;热处理、感应加热设备与装置;电热合金和加热元件;余热回收、高温空气燃料装置;耐火和隔热材料;仪表和自动控制系统等相关产品。 2018亚太地区冶金工业展览会 主办单位: 中国国际贸易促进委员会冶金行业分会 展品范围: 冶金原料处理、冶金、连铸、轧制技术及设备;电控、检测设备及数据处理;冶金辅助材料、冶金产品、副产品;冶金环保技术及设备;耐火材料生产设备及产品等相关产品。 分享到: 新浪微薄 腾讯微薄 QQ空间 人人网 开心网 更多 铸造行业生产力促进中心 曹秀梅 女士 Tel: 024-25852311-356 Email:cxm@foundrynations.com 黄蕴 女士 Tel: 021-55155026 Email: Lydia.huang@foundrynations.com 确定展位: 根据参展申请顺序名单,在平面图上挑选位置,由主办方发展位合同书,并由参展商交付展位费 展前准备: 主办方发《参展商手册》,协助展商完成展品运输、展台搭建、住宿酒店预订等相关事宜。 融通世界 助力发展-亚太金属展落户东南亚丨“METAL AP 2018盛大开幕”之-迈向新征程 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0LGlljoRJsmUbqbuu2-JIQ METAL AP Opening Ceremony Marks a New Journey https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Dtg5Hs7Fo1C0oamK8fYKNA 泰国压铸展| METAL AP | 亚太金属工业展览会:china http://www.metalap.com/exhibitors/canzhanshenqing 微信公众号 2018.9.19-21 泰国曼谷国际贸易和展览中心(BITEC) 展会简介 基本信息 组织机构 展示范围 联系我们 下载中心 2018展会资料 |
发布于:2018-09-20 15:38
2018. 9. 19-21
Bangkok international trade and exhibition centre (BITEC) |