“Liuquan” (ob. ca. 1022-1155) – Zhanggong Liu Quan zushi 章公六全祖師 Liuquan (11th/12th c. ? died between 1022 and 1155 CE (radiocarbon dating), ♂ 30-40 years old, Buddhist monk): provenience not declared Zhanggong Liu Quan zushi 章公六全祖師 (“Honorable Zhang, the Sixfold Perfected Ancestral Master”), original name ZHANG Qisan 章七三 («Dongkou Zhang shi zupu» 洞 章 族譜) (male Buddhist monk, died aged 37, Song dynasty) Fujian province, Datian county 大田, Yangchun village 陽春村 statue stolen December 26, 1995 开山恩祖显化六全章公祖师(肉身坐佛)Q&A常见问题: 1、章公祖师 2、章六全 3、概述 4、成佛时间 5、成佛地点 6、人世生平 7、轶事典故 8、回归历程 9、最新资讯 图片:zgzs4.jpg :1、章公祖师 章公祖师,法号普照,俗名章七三,章公祖师37岁时, 北宋哲宗(赵煦)元佑年间(公元1086年至1094年)农历十月初五在福建省德化王村(现大田县吴山乡阳春村)坐化成佛。 :2、章六全 章公祖师因其金身四肢身首俱全,后人尊称为:“显化六全 章公祖师” 元代至元(世祖忽必烈)二十九年即公元1292年,阳春当地林氏族人为祈求时运, 由本村劝首林章新等号召众户捐集钱款, 占卜选择吉日于壬辰年乙巳月壬辰日(即公元1292年5月18日)吉时重新修塑章公祖师金身佛像。 图片:zgzs3.jpg :3、概述 章公祖师历代供奉于福建省大田县吴山乡阳春村林氏宗祠普照堂的大殿之上, 1995年农历十月廿三日被盗,并被走私出境。 2015年3月3日重现匈牙利自然科学博物馆,目前章公祖师宝像由一名荷兰私人收藏家收藏保管。 据匈牙利自然博物馆提供的资料显示,这尊佛像最近的一次交易是1996被交易至现在的主人一位荷兰收藏家手中。 荷兰一家博物馆为这尊有着上千年历史的中国古佛像做了CT扫描,发现佛像里面 隐藏着一具保持着打坐的姿势“肉身佛像”,而且其内脏已被掏空 。 英国《每日邮报》 的对此作了一篇报道,引起了海内外媒体巨大的反响。 这也让故乡人们找到了这尊失窃了近20年的章公祖师金身宝像。 :4、成佛时间 章公祖师于北宋哲宗(赵煦)元佑年间, 农历十月初五坐化成佛。‘ 图片:zgzs1.jpg :5、成佛地点 章公祖师坐化于 德化王春林氏宗祠普照堂(现福建省大田县吴山乡阳春村) js1.cn/yc 图片:zgzs2.jpg :6、人世生平 章公祖师小时候是放牛娃, 有一次放牛时,在一个名为“佛子格”的地方,受到仙人点化,得道成为一代高僧。 章七三皈依佛门之后,广结善缘,救苦救难,自己采集草药,免费救助四方民众, 当时瘟疫肆意横行,阳春林氏族人得到章公祖师的救助,得以维系生存繁衍。 章公祖师坐化成佛后, 林姓族人为感激其救助之恩,视其为“开山恩主”, 历代供奉于福建省大田县吴山乡阳春村林氏宗祠普照堂大殿的正厅之上, 而林氏族人的祖先牌位则退居于左侧偏厅供奉, 林氏族人代代相传,教肓后代,知恩图报,生生不息,邻里和睦,民情质朴,乡风可塑。 :7、轶事典故 文化大革命期间,有天晚上工作队组织召开全体村民大会, 当村民得知要将章公祖师毁掉时,为了保护章公宝像, 几个村民就偷偷离开会场,合力地将宝像从普照堂搬出来,藏到隔壁的东埔村民房里。 宝像每隔几天就要换一个藏身之地,夜黑风高的时候,年轻的村民抬着宝像,从一个村民家躲进另一个村民家里,躲避毁灭之灾。 在文革期间,村民们甚至顶着危险,以及工作队的严加追查, 在东埔村的民居藏护20年,每年的农历十月初五是章公祖师的生日,村民们都会秘密地为章公祖师过生日。 改革开放后好几年,政策还没有完全明朗,善良的村民还不敢让章公祖师进祠堂,怕政策改变会再遭遇不测, 直到1985年章公祖师才正式返坐普照堂。 图片:zgzs5.jpg :8、回归历程 2015年3月23日,福建省文物局发布消息,称福建文物部门初步确认“肉身坐佛”是二十年前大田县吴山乡阳春村被盗的章公祖师像。 大田县文博部门消息,国家文物局接受大田县吴山乡阳春村村民联合委托国家文物局追讨章公六全祖师像的申请意愿,根据相关的国际公约,启动追讨程序。 图片:zgzs6.jpg :9、最新资讯 图片:cpt.jpg 2015-11-16农历十月初五 大田吴山阳春村村民为章公祖师庆生 图片:pzt.jpg paps.cn/章公祖师 epps.cn/章公祖师 偶记 章公祖师 |
发布于:2015-11-20 16:22
Chinese villagers to sue Dutch collector for return of Buddha statue allegedly stolen 20 years ago
最新资讯 ibtimes.co.uk:(英国报道)
Chinese villagers to sue Dutch collector for return of Buddha statue allegedly stolen 20 years ago The statue that was the centerpiece of the Mummy World exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Budapest in March 2015. Visitors can see the skeletal remains of the mummified monk inside it. REUTERS 路透社/Bernadett Szabo A group of Chinese villagers from Yangchun in the Fujian Province have hired a team of top lawyers to sue a Dutch collector after he refused to return a mummified Buddha statue that the villagers claim was stolen from its temple 20 years ago. The villagers have signed on seven lawyers to take their case through the Dutch judicial system. The Yangchun village Party Chief Lin Wenqing said that the villagers had gone through official and private channels to negotiate the return of the statue. He claimed the statue was worshipped as a god in the temple for around 1,000 years. The collector allegedly agreed to return the relic to the village if "it is proven to have belonged to a Buddhist community that still exists," but apparently later changed his mind. The statue of Buddha contains the mummified body of Zhanggong Zushi, a local villager who became a monk in his twenties. He was famed for helping people, treating diseases and spreading the Buddhist belief. When he died at the age of 37, his body was mummified and placed in the statue during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The statue was reported to have been worshipped in the village temple ever since. The temple still displays the statute's hat and clothes that were left behind. The statue has been on display at the Mummy World exhibition at the Hungarian Natural History Museum since October last year. However, it was pulled from the exhibition following claims that it was stolen. The golden statute of the sitting Buddha is about four foot tall. Visitors to the exhibition could see the skeletal remains of the mummified monk inside it through a television monitor. Liu Yang, who is leading the group of lawyers, said the evidence on the case has been collected and the legal suit will be brought to court by the end of the year. He told the Xinhua news agency that the court will be told that the village has a deep spiritual connection with the statue and that there is a sense of urgency in reclaiming it. The Dutch collector has claimed that he obtained the item in 1996. Under Dutch law, the time frame for civil litigation is 20 years, which gives very little time for the villagers to secure its return through legal means. "The validity period for recovering the relic is going to expire next year. So we have pressure to complete the legal work quickly," Liu said. He will fly to the Netherlands to work with a Dutch counterpart in December. Liu has successfully led a Chinese legal team in recovering relics looted from the Old Summer Place or Yuanmingyuan which was burned down by the Anglo-French allied forces during the Second Opium War in 1860. Residents from the Datian County where the village is located had written a letter to the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in March seeking the return of the statue. Rachel Arputharajoo-Middleton By Rachel Middleton November 24, 2015 06:34 GMT Chinese villagers to sue Dutch collector for return of Buddha statue allegedly stolen 20 years ago http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/chinese-villagers-sue-dutch-collector-return-buddha-statue-allegedly-stolen-20-years-ago-1530182 |
发布于:2015-11-20 21:28
Dutch collector requests millions for Buddha statue
Villagers from the southeastern Chinese village of Yangchun on Thursday filed juridical proceedings with lawyers for the retrieval of a misappropriated 1,000 year old Buddha statue from a Dutch private collector, reported the Beijing Youth.
The collector, Oscar Van Overeem, claims to have bought the statue for nearly US$21,000 in 1996 and is requesting $20 million in compensation for his investment. After private and diplomatic negotiations earlier in the year Van Overeem had agreed to return the statue - which contains the remains of a monk - to the village in the province of Fujian. His change of mind has left villagers running out of options aside from legal action, with the period of 20 years during which claimants can apply for repatriation of such acquisitions set to expire in accordance with Dutch law. Dutch collector requests millions for Buddha statue http://gbtimes.com/china/dutch-collector-requests-millions-buddha-statue 2015-11-16农历十月初五 大田吴山阳春村村民为章公祖师庆生 央视视频纪录匈牙利博物馆 Story : China-Mummy Buddha/Dutch Owner File ID : 288676 Video ID : 7085262 Date : March 26, 2015/Recent/File Published : March 27, 2015 Duration : 1'52 Location(s) : Sanming/Beijing, China Type : Chinese/Nats Source : China Central Television (CCTV) Restrictions : No access Chinese mainland Pageview : 104 Summary : Dutch owner says to return "mummy Buddha" to Chinese villagers if it's proved to belong Languages : EN |
发布于:2015-12-05 22:05
章六全祖师儿时是放牛娃 受仙人点化成得道高僧
东快记者熊建鹏刘兴文/图 2015-03-19的昨天,省文物局一行专家已经抵达三明,预计今天进入大田阳春村。 记者一行人,昨先行进入阳春村探访。 专家要到村里鉴定的消息也让“普照堂”周边村民,热情大增,“普照堂”内香火旺了不少。 昨日下午,68岁的章老来到“普照堂”祭拜“章公六全祖师”。让章老感到自豪,且与其他祭拜者不同的是,章老与章公祖师还有些血缘关系呢。他朝拜的不仅是一位菩萨,还是一位祖先。 “章公六全祖师”出生在三明大田屏山乡,乐于助人,一生为善。最终在邻近的吴山乡阳春村坐化,完成了从一个放牛娃到“菩萨”的转变。六全化佛故事,屏山乡路口村章氏族人代代相传,至今族人还会宣讲他的事迹。
最近,阳春村“普照堂”的香火很旺 昨日的大田吴山乡阳春村“普照堂”人来人往,不时响起朝拜者的鞭炮声,章公六全祖师的香案前,有众多祭拜者在排队作揖。 “在欧洲巡展的那尊‘肉身菩萨’到底是不是我们村的,这个大家都很关心,村民们也希望有个好的结果,所以这两天来‘普照堂’的人非常多。多是来祭拜的,也有来看热闹的。霞浦那边都有人来。“阳春村村主任林先生说。 “自从听说省里的文物专家要来调查后,大家都是翘首以盼。我本来是要上山干活的,听说专家要来,特意‘放假’等在这里。”村里的退休老教师林乐妙说,这还不是香火最旺的时候,在章公像没有被偷之前,这里每天几乎都是人山人海,宁德、厦门,福建各地都有人来。 林乐妙希望能够重新迎回章公,恢复“普照堂”往日荣光。“我对这一块懂得比较多,年轻人他讲不清楚的。”林老表示,他定要亲自向专家介绍章公六全祖师的事迹。 目前,当地村民把自己能想到、能搜罗到的证据都摆在了“普照堂”内,如与章公六全祖师有关的衣冠、家谱等。 在当地人眼中,“章公六全祖师”有求必应,十分灵验,有一个有趣的说法,“章公祖师像”在未偷之前,每年的特定日子,村民都要抬着章公像到各个村去“游神”,章公生前特别不喜欢到某个村去,而村民非要抬着进这个村不可,没想到刚到村头,抬轿之人便双膝跪地,动弹不得。这只是个传说,但从中可以看出,章公在当地人心目中具有重要的信仰地位。
后人说,章公祖师小时候是放牛的 大家正在议论章公的种种“神异”时,又是一阵鞭炮声响,这是来自章公“娘家”屏山乡的几位祭拜者,68岁的章老自称是章公弟弟的后代,说起来,跟章公还有些血缘关系。 他向记者讲述他们口口相传的章公传说,“章公本来是大田县屏山乡路口村人,是我们先祖五二公的长子,原名七三。”这在《洞口(路口)章氏族谱》有记载,“他小时候是个放牛的,那时候放牛都是野放,没有围栏。屏山隔壁乡吴山乡,他去过,最后坐化的阳春村他也来过。有一次放牛时,他来到佛子格这个地方,受到了仙人点化,成为一代得道高僧。 “章七三皈依佛门之后,广结善缘,救苦救难,自己采集中草药,免费为周边村民治病。”章老的说法颇有点像福建重要民间信仰“保生大帝”的传说。 据介绍,后来,章公祖师看中了阳春村的一处风水宝地,就是现在“普照堂”的位置,选择此处坐化。“这个地方八成是他放牛的时候就选好了的。”一位阳春村村民说,“普照堂”背依青山,门前坡头一片翠竹犹如一道绿色屏风,左右两座低矮小山环抱,确实是一处清幽之地。
章公祖师放牛居住处,据传后来成了县令居所 记者跟着章老和几位章姓村民去探访章公祖师生前遗迹。沿着盘旋的山路,走进一深山小村,来到章公祖师放牛时的居所所在地——吴山乡张坑村。村里一座古色古香、木梁飞檐的建筑物——“桃树堂“,矗立在稻田之中,十分显眼。 村民说,章公六全祖师放牛时就在此居住。本来只是一个草庵,但在章公成佛后,后人为了沾光,对这块宝地多有垂涎。 据张坑村村民讲述,民国时期,广东雷州府徐闻县有个县令,赋闲归家之后,便居住在此。居所经过改造,变成了现在的模样。现在,“桃树堂“木质建筑材料虽多有朽坏,但恢弘的气势犹在眼前。 记者尚未找到详细资料佐证此事,但从建筑规模来判断,此处当年的住户应该身份显赫。
“章公出生时他爷爷73岁,故取名七三” 《洞口章氏族谱》记载,章公祖师是大田屏山乡路口村(当地人称洞口村)五二公二世长子。五二公是路口村章氏的开基祖先,章五二公有三个儿子,长子章七三(即章公六全祖师),次子章六八,三子章七四。三个儿子中,只有老三章七四有后。 章氏祖上为何都喜用数字取名?章老给出了一个看似合理的答案:“那时候的人在自己的后辈(一般是孙辈)出生后,以自己的年龄为其命名。比如章公祖师刚出生时,他爷爷正好73岁,于是为其取名章七三。章公祖师二弟出生时,他奶奶正好68岁,于是便叫章六八。” 这也许是种“自圆其说”,不过,在章氏族谱上确实有许多这样的名字,除了上述几位,还有章五六、章七八等等。 当年章公祖师的出生地,现在是章家的宗祠。处在群山环抱的路口村,四周非常寂静,距离宗祠几百米外的两间旧房子已经破败不堪,更显荒凉。但屋后的青松翠竹长得非常茂盛。 在章氏宗祠匾额旁边的白墙上,有一个显眼的黑色牌子,上书“中国工农红军红四军第二纵队驻所旧址”的字样。红军当年在闽中活动时,曾在这里做过艰苦卓绝的斗争。
八闽新闻东南快报2015-03-19 07:09 章六全祖师儿时是放牛娃 受仙人点化成得道高僧 http://fj.qq.com/a/20150319/012025.htm#p=6 |