发布于:2015-11-30 13:22
Each villager here grew up with stories of how Patriarch Zhanggong helped us and blessed us, which were amazing, full of magic and mystery.
每个出生在这个村庄的村民,都是听说章公祖师的故事长大的,章公对我们林氏家族的保佑和庇护的故事神奇且神秘,让人惊奇不已。 Thus we worshipped Patriarch Zhanggong very much like Westerners worshipped the God. 我们因此对章公祖师有着无限的膜拜,就好像西方对待对上帝一样。 Generations of Lin family developed and inherited the traditional Chinese virtues one by one under the love with Him. 我们林氏家人在章公这种感召力量下世代传衍,生生不息。 We even forgot the Patriarch’s surname and thought we’re just his descendents. 大家甚至忘记了章公姓章,都认为自己就是章公祖师的子孙。 Unfortunately this Statue was stolen at the end of 1995 in Puzhao Temple. 不幸的是,我们在普照堂所供奉的这尊宝像于 1995 年底被盗失踪。 Patriarch Zhanggong provided a spiritual support for our Lin family while he was one of spiritual symbols in this village. You could not imagine what the bad feelings we had when we knew that Statue was stolen. 章公祖师是我们林氏家族的精神支柱,是我们一方土地的精神象征,它的失踪,牵动了我们每一个人的心。 We have not given up looking for Zhanggong Statue even though we heard nothing about him in the past 20 years. We hope he will come back finally some day. 我们曾多番寻找,但一直杳无音讯。我们多么希望有朝一日能重新迎回我们心中最敬重的章公祖师! Luckily, we learned the news that there was an exhibit of Zhanggong Statute in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, which was later confirmed to be the right one we have looked for 20 years. 不久前,在匈牙利自然科学博物馆展出一尊佛像,经多方证实,它就是我们苦苦寻找了二十年的章公祖师宝像。 Can you imagine the situation that villagers all ran to tell one and another beaming with delight and crying with happiness when we learned that? 您知道么?当大家知道章公祖师再次出现,我们奔走相告,激动流泪。 Everyone said our Patriarch showed his mana and would come back home. 大家都说祖师显灵了,祖师要回家了! It is very difficult to describe our joy in words. Every one is looking forward to Patriarch Zhanggong’s returning to the Puzhao Temple which exists for one thousand years, and accepting our respects forever. 大家欣喜之情无法用言语表达,每个人都期待祖师能重新回到千年之久的归宿地—普照堂中,永远接受我们的敬拜。 |
发布于:2015-11-30 13:26
Patriarch Zhanggong is a Buddha full of people’s respect in our hometown.
在我们的家乡,章公祖师是民众膜拜之佛。 Villagers have learnt to believe in good things and get away from bad and evil things. He has been a special witness to our long history and Chinese traditional virtues. 他是人们心中的信仰,是民众信善远恶的精神宗师,是我们的信仰支柱,中国历史文化延承的一个重要见证。 它不应是陈列在博物馆的展品和私人藏品,而是生活中被大家供奉的圣尊。 Patriarch Zhanggong Statue is a saint who should be respected other than a displayed artifact. 我们相信,您和我们一样,对你们心中圣人也有无限爱戴之情,对心爱之物的遗失也会万分悲伤。 We believe that you love your saint as much as we love the Statue and you would be sad when the loved ones are missing. We appreciate what you have done to protect Patriarch Zhanggong in the past 20 years and share him with other people. It’s your kindness that made it possible to save the Statue in a safe place. We showed indefinite piety to Patriarch Zhanggong. 我们很感谢您这 20 年来对我们章公祖师宝像的关爱,并让他重现人间。首先,是您的友善,才让我们章公祖师宝像有了一个较为安全的地方可以保存下来。 我们林氏族人对章公祖师的感情,充满无限的虔诚。 After he was missing, we suffered a lot and sincerely hope he could return to his hometown where he belongs to, and where people worship him for nearly a thousand years. 章公祖师蒙难失窃之后,我们痛苦,我们思念!我们衷心期待章公祖师早日回家。相信您能理解我们这种感情,也衷心希望您能帮助我们,让章公祖师重新回到本该属于他的归宿地和敬拜它的人民。 In addition, according to the most basic morality of civilized society, people’s remains should be returned to their hometown as Chinese people all hope to come back to hometown after their death. 另外,按照人类文明社会最基本的道德,人的遗骸也理应回归故土,魂归故里也是中国人最终的人生夙愿。 We believe this Statue was obtained by you unknowingly. But this Statue belongs to the goods stolen by international cultural relics smuggling group. 我们相信,您是在不知情的情况下获得宝像的,但在您之前,宝像确为国际文物走私犯罪集团偷盗的赃物。 Chinese government, people of all circles and overseas Chinese provide us with a lot of help. We are making our best efforts to try to help Patriarch Zhanggong Statue return to Puzhao Temple. 中国各级政府、社会各届和海外华人朋友都对我们提供了很大的帮助,大家都在积极努力,争取让章公祖师重新回到原来的普照堂之中。 After it’s back, the government will appropriate funds to renovate Puzhao Temple and people of all circles and villagers are willing to donate, to celebrate the grand occasion together. 如祖师回归,各界人士和村民将会捐款重新修缮普照堂,共襄值得期盼的盛事。 |
发布于:2015-11-30 13:28
All villagers hereby promise that:
在此,全体村民对您做出承诺: 1. We would renovate Puzhao Temple before the return of Patriarch Zhang Liuquan, to ensure safe protection; 1、我们承诺在章公祖师回归之前对普照堂重新修缮,并确保安全防护。 2. We would send our representatives to Holland to escort Patriarch Zhanggong Statue home, of which the details will be discussed with you; 2、我们承诺将派遣代表亲赴荷兰恭迎章公祖师宝像,有关细节将与您商议。 3. We would present you certificate of merit as well as considerable gifts and would set up a Monument of Merit for Saint Statue Returning inside Puzhao Temple, on which it would tell the story of your collecting and returning Patriarch Zhanggong Statue in Chinese, Dutch, Hungarian and English, so that you would win the lifetime gratitude of Chinese people; 3、我们将为您赠送褒奖状和厚礼,并承诺普照堂内设立“祖师回归功德牌”,用中文、荷兰文、匈牙利文和英文介绍您的收藏和奉还事迹,让中国人民永远铭记您的功德。 4. We would present you and the museum copies of Patriarch Zhanggong Statue and promote a sister-city relationship between your hometown and Sanming City to boost the friendship between the two countries. 4、我们承诺,在祖师回归之后,我们将向您和博物馆赠送章公祖师宝像仿制品,并推动您所在的城市与三明市建立友好城市关系,推进两国人民的友谊。 With best wishes! 衷心的祝愿! Sincerely, All villagers Yangchun Village, Wushan Township Datian County, Sanming City Fujian Province, China 中国福建省三明市 大田县吴山乡阳春村 全体村民 2015年3月30日 福建大田吴山阳春村 |
发布于:2016-08-19 12:32
8月18日,北京CBD核心区正在建设中的“中国尊”大厦成功升至70层,高度达333米, http://v.bjnews.com.cn/2016/08/18/21F8287D5571.mp4 超越330米的国贸三期,成为北京第一高楼。 |