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  • 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华总商会: i3h.cn/1341
    ming2016-04-27 03:11

    本会创立1904年3月27日,当时取名为「商务局」,於1915年,更改名称为「中华商务局」,之后又改称「雪兰莪中华总商会」。1983年4月2日会员大会通过新名称「吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华工商总会」(The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry)。1996年6月22日会员大会通过更改本会英文名称为The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor。2010年6月12日会员大会通过更改中文名称为「吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华总商会」,简称“隆雪中总”。


    凡经向政府 注册之吉隆坡及雪兰莪地区华商商业团体、公司、商号或个人,均得申请加入。

    截至2010年1月1日,会员人数共1,908名。其中商团会员71名,个人会员190名,公司/商号会员1,603名,附属会员44名。每个商团都有其本身的会员,这些会员也自然成为本会的间接会员,如果把间接会员也计算在 内,则本会的会员总数超过2万名。

    会员大会是本会的最高权力机构,会员大会闭会期间,依章程规定选出45名董事(10名商团董事、35名个人或公司/商号董事)组成董事会,董事会必要时可另委任不超过4名董事加入; 并由 董事会产生常务董事会,推行各项会务。

    为应会务发展的需要,本会有总务组、财务策划组、工业组、商业组、法律组、福利组、文教组、人力资源发展组、财经研究组、农业及原 产业组、资讯工艺组和青年组分头工作。

    The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (KLSCCCI) is the foremost institution representing the Chinese business community in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor regions. It Is also one of the most active Chambers of Commerce in Malaysia. The various activities of the Chamber have attracted the attention of the Government as well as of the private sector by virtue of the fact that the Chamber is strategically located in Kuala Lumpur which is the centre of Malaysian politics and economics.

    The Chamber was founded on 27 March, 1904. When it was first established, it was known as the "Commercial Bureau", and in 1915, the association was renamed as the "Chinese Commercial Bureau", later it was renamed again as the "Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce". On 2 April 1983, at the Annual General Meeting, it was decided that the Chamber be renamed as "The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry".

    However, on 22 June 1996, at the Annual General Meeting it was decided that the English title of the Chamber should be renamed as "The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor" without changing its Chinese title.

    The membership of the Chamber comprises the following categories: Trade Association, Firm / Company, Individual and Associate Member. Registered trade associations, firms / companies, and professionals of Chinese origin in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor may apply for the membership of the Chamber. Its total direct membership as at 1 January 2010 is 1,908, comprising of 71 trade association members, 190 individual members, 1,603 firm / company members and 44 associate members. Each and every trade association has its own membership and their members are indirect members of the Chamber which if takes into account well exceeding 20,000 in number.

    A General Meeting of members of the Chamber shall constitute the supreme authority of the Chamber. The Council which consists of 35 members elected from among the individual members, companies and firms, and 10 members elected from among trade associations, are formed to manage the affairs of the Chamber after the General Meeting. The Council may, if deemed necessary, appoint not more than 4 members as Council members.

    To promote the activities of the Chamber, various committees like General Affairs, Financial Planning, Industry, Commerce, Legal, Welfare, Culture & Education, Human Resource Development, Fiscal & Economic Research, Agriculture & Primary Industries, Information Technology and Youths Committee as well as other ad-hoc committees are formed.

    Company Name        :        The Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor
    Address        :        7th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, 258, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Tel: 603-4253 2135 Fax: 603-4253 2524 / 0
    Email: inquiry@chinesechamber.org.my

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