The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce
and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM)
6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, 258 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
| Tel: 603-42603090 / 3091 / 3092 / 3093 / 3094 / 3095 | Fax: 603-42603080
| E-mail: registration@acccim.org.my
马来西亚特许会计师协会 (MICPA) 成员可获得8小时CPD积分。
马来西亚中华总商会(中总)将于2016年5月30日(星期一)假马来西亚雪兰莪万达酒店 (One World Hotel, Selangor, Malaysia) 主办2016中总经济大会。
- 英国资深政治分析家及前英国外交事务职业外交官Mr. Alastair Newton
- 马来西亚民主及经济事务研究中心Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin Tuanku Muhriz
- 马来西亚厂商公会会长暨中总社会经济研究中心董事拿督斯里苏子文
- 香港中华总商会永远名誉会长蔡冠深博士
- 韩国中华总商会名誉会长袁国栋博士
- 新加坡中华总商会外事委员会副主席谢锦发先生
- 中国北京大学汇丰商学院院长海闻教授
- 印尼雅加达波士顿咨询集团执行董事Mr. Eddy Tambato
- 马来西亚南方钢铁有限公司董事拿督陈达怀博士
- 英国牛津大学化学工程崔占峰教授
- 日本FANUC公司高级技术主任榊原伸介博士
- 马来西亚吉隆坡波士顿咨询集团执行董事Mr. Ching-Fong Ong
- 马来西亚中华总商会(中总)第一副总秘书暨筹委会主席丹斯里拿督张昌国。
有关询问,请联系中总秘书处林丽珊小姐或崔文静小姐,电话:+603-42603090 / 3091 / 3092 或传真:+603-42603080 或电邮:registration@acccim.org.my。谢谢!
Objectives and Opportunities
Opportunities. Amidst the global uncertainty, huge business opportunities are opening up for those who are
able to identify and capitalise on the new global mega trends.
We are living through a very interesting period in history where geopolitics and technology are rapidly transforming
the way of life that we are used to (“the old normal”).
The “new normal” of geopolitics, economy and technology is already drastically changing the traditional business cycle, business models and talent engagement. The high volatility in the capital markets of currency, finance and commodity, the emergence of new global business giants (Facebook, Google, Alibaba, Tencent, etc.) and amazing new start-ups, as well as the struggles of many old establishments, are clear symptoms of the massive transformation to the “new normal”.
This pace of transformation will intensify.
In this one-day, high-impact global economic conference, great thinkers in the areas of geopolitics, economy and
technology will share their insights. What are the forces that are driving this mega transformation?
How can one position to benefit from this “once-in-a-lifetime” transformation to the “new normal”?
About SERC
The ACCCIM had established an independent Socio-Economic Research Centre (SERC) under a separate legal entity, SERC Sdn. Bhd. in 2010 as a think-tank to carry out research on economic issues in order for ACCCIM to make concrete and strategic suggestions to the Government and effectively contribute to the development of the national economy of Malaysia.
Who Should Attend?
This is a mustattend event for anyone who wants to position well in their businesses, policy making and careers in the coming decade. This includes business leaders, policy makers, professionals, entrepreneurs of multinational corporations and large local corporations. This event is especially beneficial to founders and senior management of SME and start-ups who are eager to tap into the opportunities from the global transformation to the new normal.