华商们表示,家乡的繁荣发展让大家倍感自豪和骄傲,也为回乡投资兴业创造了有利条件。大家将充分利用“一带一路”战略实施的机遇,积极寻找合作机会,在加快企业自身发展的同时,努力推动福建与马来西亚经济文化交流合作。(记者 胡美东)
Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng 丹斯里拿督 李深静
描述:Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng 丹斯里拿督 李深静 76岁 马来西亚IOI集团创办人、执行主席
图片:Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng.jpg
Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng
丹斯里拿督 李深静 76岁 马来西亚IOI集团创办人、执行主席
Executive Chairman
Malaysian, Age 76
TAN SRI DATO’ LEE SHIN CHENG was first appointed to the Board on 21 July 1981.
He is the founder of IOI Group which was listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 28 July 1980. Tan Sri Lee is pivotal to the operations of IOI Group, having founded the plantation and property businesses more than 25 years ago. Through his entrepreneurial leadership and stewardship, strategic vision, guidance, wisdom as well as his vast experience, IOI Group has grown in tandem to become one of the leading plantation and property groups in Malaysia. As Executive Chairman, he oversees the day-to-day operations to ensure the smooth and effective running of the Group.
In recognition of Tan Sri Lee’s immense contributions to the evolving needs and aspirations of the property industry in Malaysia, he was bestowed the singular honour of FIABCI Malaysia Property Man of the Year 2001 Award. In February 2002, Tan Sri Lee was conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Agriculture by Universiti Putra Malaysia in recognition of his contributions to the palm oil industry. In 2006, Tan Sri Lee was conferred the Fellowship of the Incorporated Society of Planters (“FISP”) by Malaysia’s ISP. In October 2008, Tan Sri Lee was conferred Honorary Fellowship of the Malaysian Oil Scientists’ and Technologists’ Association (“MOSTA”) for his outstanding contributions to agriculture, in particular the oleochemical and specialty oils and fats. Tan Sri Lee was also awarded the prestigious Malaysian Palm Oil Association (“MPOA”) Recognition Award 2011 for his outstanding contributions and leadership in the plantation industry. In recognition of Tan Sri Lee’s leadership efforts and qualities in Malaysian palm oil industry, he was awarded the Palm Oil Industry Leadership Award (“PILA”) in September 2015 by Malaysian Palm Oil Council (“MPOC”). Tan Sri Lee was a Council Member of the East Coast Economic Region Development Council (“ECERDC”) for the Government from 2008 to 2014.
Tan Sri Lee is also active in providing his advice and guidance to a large number of industry groupings, associations and social organisations. He serves as, among others, the Honorary President of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (“ACCCIM”).
Tan Sri Lee is also presently the Executive Chairman of IOI Properties Group Berhad.
中国日报福建记者站 尤权考察马来西亚IOI集团
马来西亚中总总会长拿督林国璋局绅、署理总会长拿督戴良业、名誉会长丹斯里拿督斯里杨忠礼、丹斯里拿督李深静局绅以及中央理事拿督黄国忠应邀出席由中国国务院侨办和中国海外交流协会于2015年7月5日至8日在北京举行的 “首届世界华侨华人工商大会”